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Australia's first and only shrimp farm

You can also eat raw shrimp as sashimi

등록일 2024년01월03일 08시09분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유

A shrimp farm located in Kenree Road Rosedale QLD, Australia that is attracting interest from all over the world. Recognized as a supplier to Woolworths, a large supermarket in Australia. As Australia's first and only shrimp farm that contributes to the food industry and is a great help to the food market, you can eat raw shrimp as sashimi. There is a growing interest in this farm. It is a highly productive prawn farm with the world's best clean seawater that has been certified by the Australian government. It is now a world topic.

I hope that this will be a good opportunity for our country to pursue a positive cultural and trade alliance with Australia by promoting fishery science and technology.

Shrimp farming license: 25 hectares (approximately 75,600 pyeong)
   Currently, 13 large and small open-air fish farms are being developed on a 15 hectare (approximately 45,000 pyeong) farm, generating annual sales of 3.3 million Australian dollars (approximately 3 billion won).

   Advantages of shrimp farming
# Australia's first raw shrimp sashimi.
# Japonica shrimp are farmed only at this farm in Australia.
# Stable operation of supply to 70% of the farm's main customer, COSTCO, and the seafood market (30%).

Solomon Choi, Correspondent for the Australian Yonhap Ilbo
   International Affairs Reporter: Solomon@pidakor.co.au
   (SYDNY=Yonhap Ilbo.YMNTV.)
   Solomon Choi Correspondent

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