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Prudential Investment & Securities Co. hosts “Prudential Investors Forum 2008”

등록일 2007년11월06일 00시00분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Prudential Investment & Securities Co. hosts “Prudential Investors Forum 2008”
 Prudential Investment & Securities Co. (PISC) (CEO Chung Jinho) will be hosting “Prudential Investors Forum 2008” on November 7 (Wed) at JW Marriott Hotel, Seoul. Institutional investors, experts at Prudential International Investments (PII) from the United States, China, Japan, Taiwan and Mexico, and major Korean industry experts will be attending the forum, held for the second time this year, to have discussions and deliver lectures on “Value Investing, The Prudential Way.”

At “Prudential Investors Forum 2008,” the participants will seek investment strategies befitting the Korean economy and financial market experiencing dramatic changes in domestic and global environment. Topics to be discussed in depth at the forum also include economic and equity market outlook of Korea and other countries including China, major issues of each industry in 2008, and the enactment of the Capital Market Integration Act and thereafter.

Glen Baptist, Global CIO of Prudential International Investments, will serve as the moderator of the forum, which includes the panel discussion on global economic outlook among Prudential CIOs from different regions, global equity market outlook and investment strategy by John Praveen (Chief Investment Strategist at Prudential International Investment Advisors), Latin American equity market outlook by Sergio Mendez, Chinese equity market outlook by James Yuan, and Japanese equity market outlook by Shintaro Shinohara. The forum, in particular, will offer theme sessions where major industry outlook and issues will be discussed in depth by major Korean & foreign company experts and experts of semiconductor, LCD, financial and automotive markets.

“PISC is always looking for ways to provide fresh and useful global investment information to the Korean investors. We are making utmost efforts to provide an informative opportunity for them to meet Prudential experts from each region, listen to their local views and gain insight in this era of dramatically changing global economy,” Chung Jinho, CEO of PISC, said.

Prudential Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (PISC) currently has a nationwide network of over 70 branches and provides various financial services and investment advice to help customers achieve their financial goals. Prudential Asset Management Co., Ltd., an affiliate of PISC, is one of the biggest asset managers in Korea with approximately 11.1 trillion won of assets under management (including Discretionary Investment Management) as of June 30, 2007.

(For more information, please visit www.pru.co.kr, Call center: 1588-4588)

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE: PRU), a financial services leader with approximately $648 billion of assets under management as of June 30, 2007, has operations in the United States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Leveraging its heritage of life insurance and asset management expertise, Prudential is focused on helping individual and institutional customers grow and protect their wealth. The company’s well-known Rock symbol is an icon of strength, stability, expertise and innovation that has stood the test of time. Prudential's businesses offer a variety of products and services, including life insurance, annuities, retirement-related services, mutual funds, asset management, and real estate services.

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