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S-LCD Ships First LCD Panels from 8th Generation Line

등록일 2007년08월28일 00시00분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유
S-LCD Ships First LCD Panels from 8th Generation Line
From the left:
- S-LCD CFO Masatoshi Hitomi
- Sony Vice President Takemi Nagasaka
- Sony Executive Deputy President Yutaka Nakagawa
- Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Yoon Woo Lee
- Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman & CEO Jong-Yong Yun
- Sony President & Electronics CEO Ryoji Chubachi
- Sony Executive
Deputy President Katsumi Ihara
- Sony Senior Vice President Takashi Fukuda
- Samsung Electronics President Sang-wan Lee
- Samsung Electronics Chief Customer Officer Jay Y.Lee
- Samsung Electronics Executive Vice President Woi Hong Choi
- S-LCD CEO Won-kie Chang
Tangjeong,  S-LCD Corporation, a joint venture between Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Sony Corporation, today announced the shipment of LCD panels produced from its 8th Generation Line. S-LCD’s 8th Generation Line is capable of processing the world’s largest motherglass substrates, measuring 2,200mm by 2,500mm.

Ryoji Chubachi, President and Electronics CEO of Sony, Katsumi Ihara, Executive Deputy President, Jong-Yong Yun, Vice Chairman & CEO of Samsung Electronics, Sang-wan Lee, President of Samsung LCD Business, Won-kie Chang, CEO of S-LCD, and Masatoshi Hitomi CFO of S-LCD were among the approximately 300 people who attended the ceremony.

“We have remained a step ahead of the competition in terms of production scale and timing,” said Won-kie Chang, CEO of S-LCD. “Our sights are now on LCD TVs in the 50-inch class and we aim to lead that segment. Our success with 7G line will continue with the new 8G line operation, and we will grow into the world’s largest LCD maker.”

LCD panels shipped from this 8G line marks a major turning point in the market for LCD TVs in the 50-inch (diagonally) class. With 7G line which is already in operation, S-LCD has sufficient capacity to meet demand for 40-inch panels. The 8G line is slated to supply 46-inch and 52-inch panels, and that plan was evident by the contents of the first shipment of 52-inch LCD panels for full-HD TVs.

8G line would reach its full monthly output of 50,000 panels by the end of the year.

[ 8G History at S-LCD ]

- July 2006: Samsung Electronics and Sony Signed Final Contract
- November 2006: Building construction begins.
- July 2007: Test production begins.
- August 2007: Regular operation begins.
- End of 2007: Operation reaches full capacity (50,000 panels/month)

Caption : From the left:
- S-LCD CFO Masatoshi Hitomi
- Sony Vice President Takemi Nagasaka
- Sony Executive Deputy President Yutaka Nakagawa
- Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Yoon Woo Lee
- Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman & CEO Jong-Yong Yun
- Sony President & Electronics CEO Ryoji Chubachi
- Sony Executive Deputy President Katsumi Ihara
- Sony Senior Vice President Takashi Fukuda
- Samsung Electronics President Sang-wan Lee
- Samsung Electronics Chief Customer Officer Jay Y.Lee
- Samsung Electronics Executive Vice President Woi Hong Choi
- S-LCD CEO Won-kie Chang

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